My Favorite Businesses:  Outta the Box - Themed Imagination Sensory Kits
Favorite Businesses

My Favorite Businesses: Outta the Box - Themed Imagination Sensory Kits


Outta the Box - Themed Imagination Sensory Kits

 There are many people who I have met in this lifetime who inspire me. They are the women and men who take their individual gifts, what they are passionate about, or what they feel compassion towards and ACT on it.
   Deidre Blair is one of those people. Deidre is passionate about children's brain power and how is can be unleashed through thoughtful play. 
   Deidre has a background in early childhood development and earned her certification as a Montessori directress during college.  She has been involved in multiple facets with small children for over 30 years.  She has consulted parents over the years on how to successfully parent. She is passionate about kid's learning abilities. 
   With all of this background knowledge, Deidre has launched Outta The Box a website that sells themed sensory kits that are designed to facilitate your child's imagination, sense of order, language and fine motor development. Her biggest mission is to get children off iPhones and iPads and replace those devices with sensory activities.
   Her philosophy: "Hand your child a jar of scented dough and let them lead you into their world of imagination.  Observe, listen and let your child create.  Let’s get playing."
   I really appreciate her gusto to go for it, and create something that helps parents bring their children's imaginations to life.  I REALLY love the kits! Her site offers a ton of great options to choose from, and they are designed so thoughtfully! They make the kids AND the parents want to play!
Check out Deidre's Shop HERE